never executed always true always false
    1 --  This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
    2 --  License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
    3 --  file, You can obtain one at
    5 {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
    6 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
    8 -- |
    9 -- Copyright: © 2018-2020 IOHK
   10 -- License: MPL-2.0
   11 -- Stability: experimental
   12 --
   13 -- Plot 'Histogram' as unicode strings; for terminal plotting.
   14 -- For example, one could plot answers and their frequencies to the question:
   15 --
   16 -- /"Who's your favorite metal band?"/
   17 --
   18 -- > plot $ Histogram
   19 -- >     { width  = 80
   20 -- >     , height = 24
   21 -- >     , bins   =
   22 -- >         [ ( "Metallica", 78 )
   23 -- >         , ( "Iron Maiden", 61 )
   24 -- >         , ( "Slayer", 16 )
   25 -- >         , ( "Dimmu Borgir", 3 )
   26 -- >         , ( "Ghost", 48 )
   27 -- >         ]
   28 -- >     }
   29 --
   30 -- > 78 ┤┌─────────────┐
   31 -- >    ││             │
   32 -- >    ││             │
   33 -- >    ││             │
   34 -- >    ││             │
   35 -- > 62 ┤│             │
   36 -- >    ││             ├─────────────┐
   37 -- >    ││             │             │
   38 -- >    ││             │             │
   39 -- >    ││             │             │
   40 -- > 47 ┤│             │             │                            ┌─────────────┐
   41 -- >    ││             │             │                            │             │
   42 -- >    ││             │             │                            │             │
   43 -- >    ││             │             │                            │             │
   44 -- >    ││             │             │                            │             │
   45 -- > 31 ┤│             │             │                            │             │
   46 -- >    ││             │             │                            │             │
   47 -- >    ││             │             │                            │             │
   48 -- >    ││             │             │                            │             │
   49 -- >    ││             │             │                            │             │
   50 -- > 16 ┤│             │             ├─────────────┐              │             │
   51 -- >    ││             │             │             │              │             │
   52 -- >    ││             │             │             │              │             │
   53 -- >    ││             │             │             │              │             │
   54 -- >    ││             │             │             ├──────────────┤             │
   55 -- >        Metallica    Iron Maiden     Slayer      Dimmu Borgir      Ghost
   56 module Plot.Text.Histogram
   57     ( Histogram (..)
   58     , plot
   59     ) where
   61 import Control.Applicative
   62     ( (<|>) )
   63 import Data.List
   64     ( nub )
   65 import Data.Maybe
   66     ( fromJust, fromMaybe )
   68 -- | Model a distribution as an [Histogram](
   69 -- This representation works for continuous non-overlapping distributions. Axes
   70 -- are labelled automatically based on the bins.
   71 data Histogram = Histogram
   72     { width  :: !Int
   73     , height :: !Int
   74     , bins   :: ![(String, Int)]
   75     } deriving (Show, Read)
   77 -- | Convert an 'Histogram' to 'String'
   78 plot :: Histogram -> String
   79 plot Histogram{width,height,bins}
   80     | height == 0 || width == 0 =
   81         ""
   82     | otherwise =
   83         unlines $ getPlot $ mconcat $ axis widthYAxis ys : (bar . mkBar <$> bins)
   84   where
   85     highest = maximum (snd <$> bins)
   86     nbLbls  = min (length bins) (height `div` 3)
   88     widthYAxis = maximum ((+3) . length <$> lbls)
   90     mkBar (label, x) = Bar
   91         { width  = 1 + (width - 2 - widthYAxis) `div` length bins
   92         , height = round (double height * double x / double highest)
   93         , label
   94         }
   96     lbls = nub [ show $ round (double highest * double i / double nbLbls)
   97                | i <- [ 1 .. nbLbls ]
   98                ]
  100     ys = Axis (round $ double height / double (length lbls) - 1) <$> lbls
  102 -- | Represent a labelled vertical bar.
  103 data Bar = Bar
  104     { width  :: Int
  105     , height :: Int
  106     , label  :: String
  107     }
  109 bar :: Bar -> Plot
  110 bar (Bar w h l)
  111     | h == 0 =
  112         Plot $ replicate w '─' : lbl
  114     | otherwise =
  115         Plot $ [ padMiddle w '─' "┌┐" ]
  116             ++ ( padMiddle w ' ' "││" .* (h - 1) )
  117             ++ lbl
  118   where
  119     lbl = [ padBoth w ' ' l ]
  121 -- | Represent one mark on the y-axis.
  122 data Axis = Axis
  123     { height :: Int
  124     , label  :: String
  125     }
  127 axis :: Int -> [Axis] -> Plot
  128 axis _ [] = Plot []
  129 axis w es = Plot (concatMap each (reverse es) ++ [ replicate w ' ' ])
  130   where
  131     each :: Axis -> [String]
  132     each (Axis h l) =
  133         padLeft w ' ' (l <> " ┤ ") : replicate h (padLeft w ' ' "│ ")
  135 --
  136 -- Plot
  137 --
  139 -- | A plot represents a partial plot on the console which is modeled as a 2D
  140 -- grid (a list of list of chars). Plots can be combined horizontally and merged
  141 -- into a bigger plot. Edges are smoothen into more appropriate charaters.
  142 --
  143 -- For any plots of length N & M, the plot (N <> M) is of length (N + M - 1).
  144 newtype Plot = Plot { getPlot :: [String] }
  146 instance Semigroup Plot where
  147     Plot xs <> Plot ys
  148         | length xs > length ys =
  149             let ys' = fill (x - y) ys in Plot $ zipWith merge xs ys'
  151         | otherwise =
  152             let xs' = fill (y - x) xs in Plot $ zipWith merge xs' ys
  153       where
  154         (x, y) = (length xs, length ys)
  156         merge [] ys = ys
  157         merge xs [] = xs
  158         merge xs ys
  159             | match "││" = into "│"
  160             | match "│┌" = into "├"
  161             | match "│ " = into "│"
  162             | match "┐│" = into "┤"
  163             | match "┐┌" = into "┬"
  164             | match "┐ " = into "┐"
  165             | match " │" = into "│"
  166             | match " ┌" = into "┌"
  167             | match "─│" = into "┘"
  168             | match "│─" = into "└"
  169             | match "──" = into "─"
  170             | match "┬─" = into "┬"
  171             | match "┐─" = into "─"
  172             | match "─┌" = into "─"
  173             | otherwise  = into " "
  174           where
  175             match [a,b] = last xs == a && head ys == b
  176             into s = init xs ++ s ++ tail ys
  178 instance Monoid Plot where
  179     mempty = Plot []
  181 --
  182 -- Helpers
  183 --
  185 infixl 5 .*
  187 (.*) :: e -> Int -> [e]
  188 (.*) = flip replicate
  190 double :: Real i => i -> Double
  191 double = fromRational . toRational
  193 padRight :: Int -> e -> [e] -> [e]
  194 padRight n e es =
  195     es ++ replicate (n - length es) e
  197 padLeft :: Int -> e -> [e] -> [e]
  198 padLeft n e es =
  199     replicate (n - length es) e ++ es
  201 padBoth :: Int -> e -> [e] -> [e]
  202 padBoth n e es
  203     | len >= n         = es
  204     | len `mod` 2 == 0 = padBoth n e $ padRight (len + 1) e es
  205     | otherwise        = padBoth n e $ padLeft  (len + 1) e es
  206   where
  207     len = length es
  209 padMiddle :: Int -> e -> [e] -> [e]
  210 padMiddle n e es =
  211     take half es ++ replicate δ e ++ drop half es
  212   where
  213     δ    = n - length es
  214     half = length es `div` 2
  216 fill :: Int -> [String] -> [String]
  217 fill n []    = replicate n mempty
  218 fill n (h:q) = replicate n (replicate (length h) ' ') ++ (h:q)